IB Chemistry Biology IA
IB Chemistry.IB Science Blog.IA EE and science sharing site.
_(T test)
_(One Way Anova)
_(One Way Anova/Tukey)
_(Mann Whitney U)
_(Pearson corr)
_(Multiple Reg)
_Uncertainty I
_Uncertainty II
_Uncertainty rate I
_Uncertainty rate II
_Uncertainty IA kinetics
_Uncertainty Titration
_Max/Min for order
_Good RQ samples
__IA Ozone
__IA Hydrogen Bonding
__IA Polarity
__IA Dissociation constant
__IA Antibiotics
__IA Graphene Fullerenes
__IA Aromatic delocalization
__IA Hemoglobin
__IA Protein Sequencing
Chem SL
_Unit 1
__Unit 1.1
__Unit 1.2
__Unit 1.3
__Unit 1.4
__Unit 1.5
__Unit 1.6
_Unit 2
__Unit 2.1
__Unit 2.2
__Unit 2.3
__Unit 2.4
_Unit 3
__Unit 3.1
__Unit 3.2
_Unit 4
__Unit 4.1
__Unit 4.2
__Unit 4.3
__Unit 4.4
__Unit 4.5
__Unit 4.6
__Unit 4.7
_Unit 5
__Unit 5.1
__Unit 5.2
__Unit 5.3
__Unit 5.4
_Unit 6
__Unit 6.1
__Unit 6.2
__Unit 6.3
_Unit 7
__Unit 7.1
__Unit 7.2
__Unit 7.3
_Unit 8
__Unit 8.1
__Unit 8.2
__Unit 8.3
_Unit 9
__Unit 9.1
__Unit 9.2
__Unit 9.3
__Unit 9.4
__Unit 9.5
_Unit 10
__Unit 10.1
__Unit 10.2
__Unit 10.3
__Unit 10.4
_Unit 11
__Unit 11.1
__Unit 11.2
__Unit 11.3
Chem HL
_Unit 1
_Unit 2
__Unit 2.5
_Unit 3
__Unit 3.3
__Unit 3.4
_Unit 4
__Unit 4.8
__Unit 4.9
_Unit 5
__Unit 5.5
__Unit 5.6
__Unit 5.7
__Unit 5.8
__Unit 5.9
_Unit 6
__Unit 6.4
__Unit 6.5
_Unit 7
__Unit 7.4
__Unit 7.5
_Unit 8
__Unit 8.4
__Unit 8.5
__Unit 8.6
_Unit 9
__Unit 9.6
__Unit 9.7
__Unit 9.8
_Unit 10
__Unit 10.5
__Unit 10.6
__Unit 10.7
_Unit 11
__Unit 11.4
_Option B
__B1 UV, Buffer, Electrophoresis
__B2 Enzymes, Pigment
__B3 Hemoglobin, Myoglobin ODC
__B4 Stereochemistry Lipids, Proteins and Carbohydrates
__B5 Green Chemistry, Xenobiotics, Atom Economy
_Option C
__C1 Energy density, Specific energy, Combustion
__C2 Nuclear energy, radioactive decay, half life
__C3 Biofuel, Electrochemical cell
__C4 Voltaic cell, Microbial fuel
__C5 Solar Cell, DSSC
IA data based
_Multiple linear reg
__Linear reg
__Linear reg Covid
__Linear reg Covid World data
__Binary reg Covid
_b/p alkane
__(using reg model)
__(using MW model)
__(using MW+CC)
_b/p fatty acid
__(using carbon chain)
__(using MW)
__(using CC+MW)
_b/p estimation
__(using MW+CC+CF)
__(using MW+CF)
__(using MW+CC+CF)
_b/p organic mol
__(Diff functional gp)
__(alcohol isomers)
__Temp study
__pH study
__(Yeast pH study)
__(Yeast inhibitor)
__(Yeast Cu study)
__(Yeast Pb study)
__(Yeast pH study)
__(Potato pH study)
__(Potato inhibitor)
__(pH study)
__(Temp study)
__(Alcohol study)
__(pH study)
__(Temp study)
__(Inhibitor study)
_Voltaic cell
__(Salt bridge type+current)
__(Salt bridge conc+current)
__(Surface area+current)
__(Electrode type+current
__(Conc Zn+emf)
__(Conc Mn+emf
__(NaOH+ AI)
__(Purity AI)
__(Conc study)
__(Temp study)
__(Acidity study)
__(Duration study)
__(Medium study)
__(Purity study)
__(Temp study)
__(Polyphenol study)
__(Tea duration study)
__(Apple cider study)
__(Temp study)
__(Berry study)
__(Green vs Black tea)
__(Wine/Temp study)
__(Tea/Temp study)
_Sodium alginate
__(Alginate bead)
__(MnO2 beads)
__(Duration beads)
__(Conc beads)
__(Amylase beads I)
__(Amylase beads II)
__(Amylase duration)
__(Yeast beads I)
__(Yeast beads II)
__(Yeast duration)
Saturday, March 12, 2016
IB Chemistry Reaction Mechanism
Lawrence Kok
2:48 PM
Chemistry chapter 6
IB Chemistry Reaction Mechanism
Thanks to all pictures and video contributors for the above post
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My Mission
To seek where great ideas come from and change the way teachers/students learn in the 21st century.
Lawrence Kok
Sofia, Pancharevo, Bulgaria
IB Science Teacher at Anglo American School of Sofia, AAS.
View my complete profile
IB Biology IA, Hydrolysis of starch using enzyme amylase with colorimeter
IB Biology IA, Hydrolysis of starch using enzyme amylase 1st Method (SL) using white tile and stop watch How changing Temp/Salt conc ...
IB Biology, Enzymatic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by enzyme catalase
IB Biology on Enzymatic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by enzyme catalase using disc and well method Simple enzymatic study (Inaccu...
IA Data based Multiple linear Regression
IA Data based Multiple linear Regression
IA on effect of temperature on polyphenol (tannins) of green tea, using potassium permanganate titration (Lowenthal permanganate).
IA on effect of temperature on polyphenol (tannins) of green tea, using potassium permanganate titration (Lowenthal permanganate).
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Important links
IB Biology Main Website
IB Bio Animation Sumanas
IB Chem IBO website
IB Chem Guide.co.uk
ChemOSU Spec analysis
Chemistry Royal Society
Science Periodic Video
Science Channel Video
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About Me
International science educator teaching IB Chemistry/Biology in Anglo American School of Sofia, Bulgaria.
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